Sep 27, 2022
When was the last time you had an “oh-no-oh-crap” moment that just plainly sucked? We hate those moments and most of us even avoid any form or risk that might lead to chaos.
But these messy situations are the ones that usually turn into opportunities for change and pivotal life-changing moments. The key is to know...
Sep 20, 2022
If you've been struggling to decide what to focus on in your coaching career or what are the first steps you need to take to launch it, this episode is exactly what you need to hear!
Listen in to this coaching conversation between Coach Ajit and Carmen Bergin, a new coach who has been coaching for free and is ready to...
Sep 13, 2022
Why is it so hard to change careers or transition into new roles? Safety, security, certainty - all of the above?
In this episode, Coach Ajit coaches Kelley Wilks, a real estate agent who wants to change her career and pursue her long-time calling of becoming a coach, yet has been struggling to make it happen.
If you...
Sep 6, 2022
W.S. Gilbert once said, “It's love that makes the world go round.” So how can we increase the love we attract into our lives? According to our guest, relationship expert Jan Zands, by nurturing our relationships.
In this value-packed episode, Coach Ajit and Jan talk about relationship challenges, expectations, and...