Aug 29, 2023
Don’t let self doubt stop you from achieving your biggest goals. You got this. And today, I’m sharing how to build a resilient and positive mindset that will unlock your greatest potential!
I’m joined by my dear friend Vasavi Kumar, the host of Say It Out Loud podcast, who is a genius at helping people...
Aug 22, 2023
Our romantic relationships are one of the most defining aspects of how happy, fulfilled, and successful we will become. You don’t want to miss this one whether you are looking for your dream partner or are looking to strengthen your relationship.
I’m joined by my dear friend Vasavi Kumar, the host of Say It Out Loud...
Aug 15, 2023
Here’s the deep dive into microdosing you’ve been waiting for.
I’m joined by Paul Austin, a Microdosing Psychedelics Coach and Expert. He’s on a mission to help humanity transition from a competitive, zero-sum mindset to a collaborative, social entrepreneurial approach.
In this powerful conversation, we explore...
Aug 8, 2023
Do you feel like you have untapped potential inside you? Like there’s a bigger version of you possible?
I’m joined by my dear friend Vasavi Kumar, the host of Say It Out Loud podcast, who is a genius at helping people express their most truthful, authentic, and creative versions of themselves.
In this episode, we...
Aug 1, 2023
Nothing prevents us from taking big action on our goals like the fear of the “I told you so” from family and friends if our dream doesn’t work out like we expected it to. I myself have had this fear. Until I discovered what I will be sharing in today’s episode.
I had to record this solo episode for you this...